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Monday, August 23, 2010

Yellowstone Bear World

Doris Ann and Jere, my great aunt and uncle, came out to visit and meet the newest member of the family. While they were here, we took a drive up to Yellowstone Bear World, the place where bears that can no longer be in the wild due to human contact now live. It reminded me of the movie “Jurassic Park” as we drove through and were very close to lots of different deadly animals. Scott and Jere were up front, Doris Ann and Daniel were in the middle, and Ashlynn and I were in the back. Daniel thought it was pretty cool to be able to see Momma while riding in the car. 

The outer part of the park had mountain goats, buffalo, and deer.
  They must have been able to read because they all knew where they should be and were all residing near their exhibit sign.

Then we entered the bear section and low and behold, a bear came walking by the car! It was way fun. We even had a bear “altercation” right in front of the car. I think one snuck into another’s territory without permission. That was pretty cool.

Included in admission to the park was admission to the petting zoo and the amusement park.
  Ashlynn was the only kid at their little park so she got to ride all the rides as much as she wanted. Scott went on some, too. Doris Ann held the little man while I took pictures.
Then it was off to the petting zoo part. Doris Ann and Jere watched Daniel as Scott, Ashlynn, and I went through.
I tried convincing Ashlynn that we really didn’t need to go in since we have our own petting zoo, but I was informed that we didn’t have deer and fawns, so we went in. One silly deer took it upon herself to bathe me from my hand to my elbow. One little fawn snuck up on Scott while he was filming Ashlynn trying to pet another one. We also were introduced to feather footed chickens (of which we now have 2).

After exiting the petting zoo, we headed to the bathroom to scrub. Ashlynn rode another ride or two while Daniel ate, then Doris Ann and Jere got both of the kiddos a shirt to remember the day by. Ashlynn got a pink one with 3 bears on it. She told me the big one was Daddy, the next big one was me, and the little pink one was her. She got it because it reminded her of our family. She did apologize that Daniel wasn’t on it. Had there been one with 4 bears, she would have gotten that one.

It was a great day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love that the deer licked you all over... too funny!