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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Solid Food

My, how fast time has flown by. Daniel is already four months and ready to experience (semi) solid food. I felt the need to experiment with him in the high chair to make sure he was up to sitting upright.
He was.

Then came the moment of truth. I stripped him down to his diaper not knowing what the adventure would entail and strapped him in.
 He was actually quite happy about the whole thing. He must have sense that he was going to be getting yummy goodness spoonfed to him by his Momma.  Scott videoed the event and then took over the feeding so I could take pictures. Then Ashlynn wanted a turn. Daniel didn’t care who was feeding him as long as he was getting fed! He wanted to “help” so he would grab the spoon and help move it towards his mouth. His coordination skills are still developing, so most of the time he missed his mouth. Instead he got his ear, his chin, his neck, his cheeks, but that was to be expected.

He was so proud of himself when we were finished with the bowl. Then it was BATHTIME!

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