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Saturday, October 2, 2010

We Have Eggs!!!!!

Since June we have been dealing with baby chicks, our dog eating our chickens, the neighbor dogs eating our chickens, and Ashlynn falling in love with chickens only to have them killed. Our chickens have done nothing but eat, annoy the dog, annoy me, and poop on stuff. I was beginning to think we would never reap rewards from the obnoxious fowl residing on our property until last night. Scott went out to feed the chickens and all the sudden started hollering for me to “Come quick!” I had a feeling it was an egg, so I turned off the water for Daniel’s bath, grabbed him, and the camera, but by the time I made it outside, a chicken had jumped down and broken the egg.
  There was still an egg in one of the laying boxes  and Scott was so happy.
 I must admit, I was rather relieved. They were finally starting to earn their keep.

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