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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Slip and Slide Shopping

     Today I took the kids out to get Pizza Hut for dinner. While we were waiting on the pizza, we quickly went in to Winco for some milk, lunch meat, dried fruit, etc. I saw a thing of Pillsbury brownies that was on sale for $.88 and decided to spoil our chocoholic guest. Unfortunately a prior custody had apparently spilled a thing of cooking oil all over the aisle. I had my hand on the cart and was walking along side it when my foot found the oil and took off out from underneath me. Thankfully I was able to get a grip on the cart so instead of completely falling down on the ground, my hips just twisted around as my legs went forwards and I tweaked my back.
     I stood there for a bit waiting until an employee walked by and I flagged him down. I told him about the oil and that I had slipped so he grabbed a little cone thing and then went off to get something with which to clean it. He handed me a little towel thing to wipe my shoe off and the kids and I made a bee line for the check out. By then my back was starting to seize up and so I texted Scott and asked if I should report it to the store or not. Scott thought I should, so after I checked out and bagged my groceries, I took the kids over to customer service and asked for the manager.
     When I told them what had happened, I saw the look of fear come across their faces. I'm sure they were freaking out about law suits and such, but I truly only wanted to report it in case I ended up having to go to my doctor and my insurance declined covering it due to another "party" being responsible for it. It took about 20 minutes but they were very helpful and we got the form filled out. Apparently when they were cleaning it up, they never found the bottle. All that they can think is that a customer spilled a bottle of oil and took the bottle to through away somewhere else in the store. Very odd.
     By the time I got to the car, it was all I could do to get the groceries and the kids in the car. We grabbed the pizza and headed on home so I could start the icing process and get some muscle relaxers on board. Thankfully Scott got home and was able to get the kids bathed and put to bed. So now I am hoping that I will be as good as new tomorrow and won't have to worry about it anymore. Winco told me to call them if I do end up having to seek medical care and then we'll go from there. I really hope this the end of it. It is hurting quite a bit, though. Time will tell I suppose.

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