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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Tautphaus Park Zoo

We all had quite a busy day.  The day started off with Ashlynn having a dentist appointment at 9:00 am. That doesn't sound too early, but it seemed early enough. After getting some of her molars sealed, we had to go drop some stuff off for Scott at the AYSO director's house, the kids and I headed off to the zoo! Daniel had recently been with Scott and I, so as soon as I said we were going to go the zoo, Daniel just kept saying, "Go see
Once we got to the zoo, we started off seeing the birds. This one in particular was cooling itself off by sticking its head underneath the waterfall. Ashlynn thought it was pretty cool, too. Meanwhile, Daniel was off and running, literally. We got to see the ring-tailed lemurs from Madagascar.

This little guy thought we were pretty cool and put on quite a show. He is one of my favorite monkeys at the zoo. We continued on our tour, and once leaving the primate house, we went on to see the otters. We read about them but unfortunately, the little guys would not put on a show.

We did luck out with the donkeys. The zookeepers were letting them graze on the grassy lawn by the pavilion. I asked and they readily agreed to let the kids pet them.

Ashlynn found some really pretty flowers and she begged to have her picture taken with them. I obliged. I think her blue outfit contrasts beautifully.
We continued on our tour seeing all sorts of crazy birds. We were running short on time so I gave the kids the choice between seeing the lions and tigers and zebras, or seeing the pelicans and penguins. The penguins quickly won out. It was a good choice because the penguins were actually swimming. We watched them swim for a while. 

That pretty much concluded our visit to the zoo. All in all a good time.

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