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Friday, September 17, 2010

Leaps and Bounds

Daniel is developing incredibly fast now it seems.  I know I've been at work for the past seven days and haven't been able to see him all that much, but still. He is changing rapidly! I use to have to force him on his tummy for tummy time and as soon as he could, he would roll back over onto his back. Now I put him down on his back and in a flash he's on his tummy! I'm not sure what happens next, but he's soon fussing.  I believe he is frustrated that he isn't crawling or able to anything else. Today, I put him in his swing while I ate lunch and watch as he turned over on his belly! Crazy! I'm glad I was there. He is no longer allowed in his swing unless he is thoroughly restrained!  He is also getting talented at moving around. I'm not sure how he does it, but he's a mover.

Last night he ate a whole container of baby food carrots, most of a normal serving of rice cereal and then nursed for 10 minutes after that! Man, was he a mess.  He's outgrown his little tub that fits in the sink, so he got his first bath in the big bath tub.  He loved it! He was kicking and smiling. He was so happy.  Then he gulped his normal 5 oz bottle with rice cereal then got pretty vocal once it was all gone. I got him a little more and he happily guzzled that down until he fell asleep.  I thought for sure he'd sleep through the night. Nope. He was up twice totally starving!

Today he was constantly on the go. He at more carrots and cereal for dinner. I had to wake him up so he could get a full belly before I turned in. He gulped it down and is now sleeping peacefully once more.  He's such a good baby.

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