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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Eastern Idaho State Fair

I love the fair. So does Scott and Ashlynn. I think we all have different ideas about what the fair is all about though. I think the fair is all about eating foods that are fried or exotic enough that you only want to eat them once a year at the fair, petting animals, and looking at all the strange people who attend the fair. Scott seems to enjoy the venders and exhibits as well as the rides , food, and animals. Ashlynn is all about the rides with breaks for food. We compromise and wander around for a bit. I eat, Scott looks at stuff, and Ashlynn is more or less patiently waiting to go ride the rides.

The animals are fun for all including Daniel. He saw all sorts of animals for the first time: turkeys, lambs, pigs, miniature horses (which are different from regular horses that he has already seen), rabbits, and other random assorted breeds of fowl. I changed a diaper in the pig barn. I figured no one would notice the smell, or at least if they did, they’d blame it on porky.

Then it was time eat again. I had a tasty barbeque roast beef sandwich and Scott had a sirloin burger. Ashlynn got part of each. Then it was off to the rides! Ashlynn is tall enough to ride the kid rides by herself, but she still likes having her Dad tag along on the “scarier” ones.

Next year I’m taking a chair so I can watch in comfort. Daniel was pretty happy though in his stroller, feet kicked back, smiling at everyone. Lots of elderly people commented on how cute he was.

Time flew by and before we knew it, it was time for us to go home. Oh to be a kid again and be pushed around, able to sleep whenever.

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