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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Daniel's Room

Daniel's room is finally finished! My mom and my grandparents brought out artwork to put on the walls and I finished hanging everything today.  It was kind of warm in the house, so I just had Daniel in his diaper hanging out with me. I figured it was also a good time for him to get used to his crib. I'm hoping that he will start sleeping for longer periods of time at night and will soon be able to move into his room at night.  The rest of the time he spent just superving me.
    Anyway, back to the wall art.  Supposedly, I had the 3D artwork hanging on the wall in my room when I was little, but I do not remember. If I liked it half as much as Daniel does, though, I can see why my Mom saved it for her grandkids.  Daniel is currently facinated by the rainbow over the changing table. When I pick him up, we spend a few moments looking at it, talking about the colors. He has noticed Humpty Dumpty a couple of times and that's when I recited the christianized version of the nursery rhyme:
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
Don't be like Humpty who fell and cracked up
Let Jesus be your King, as you grow up.
    I have showed him the train, the duck, and the sailboat, but they are cool yet. He could pretty much care less about the Norman Rockwell sketches, but I like them a lot. I don't know how much you can see in the pictures, but they are of a boy and his dog in all the seasons.

The horse poster is one that I got back in elementary school. I put it behind the door, but still, I hope Daniel will take after his mom and have a love for horses.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That wall art hung in the room for years....I am glad that it is being enjoyed again. Talk about the flood and Noah's ark when you talk about the rainbow and God's promises!

Love you,