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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Grandaddy Visits

It was time for my dad to meet his grandson. After two days of hard driving he made it all the way from Edina, MN to our house. He pretty much hit the ground running watching Daniel. Scott and I were working  nights so Dad would have him at night and then again while we got a little sleep. It was so much fun watching Dad carry Daniel around, showing him all the cool sights of our house. The Blue Angels were in town and granddad and grandson would sit on the front porch and watch as they practiced.

Then the day arrived for us to go to the air show. I really think the stroller has to be one of the greatest inventions. We carried everything we needed in the bottom of that. Daniel, however, wasn’t too keen on staying in the stroller the whole time. That meant I was holding him while juggling the umbrella so he didn’t get sunburned. Scott became the one in charge of the video camera. . . 
Dad and I took off one day and had an adventure. We explored the Idaho Potato Museum  We also went and got 50 lbs of potatos!
We also went shooting with my dad.
Daniel was great and slept the whole time in the air conditioned car. Even though our new car is sound proof, I still put ear plugs in his little ears to muffle the noise. We had a good time. Scott and my Dad both helped me work on the way I shoot and by the end I was getting better.

Before long the week was over and it was time to say goodbye. Until next time…

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Daniel's Room

Daniel's room is finally finished! My mom and my grandparents brought out artwork to put on the walls and I finished hanging everything today.  It was kind of warm in the house, so I just had Daniel in his diaper hanging out with me. I figured it was also a good time for him to get used to his crib. I'm hoping that he will start sleeping for longer periods of time at night and will soon be able to move into his room at night.  The rest of the time he spent just superving me.
    Anyway, back to the wall art.  Supposedly, I had the 3D artwork hanging on the wall in my room when I was little, but I do not remember. If I liked it half as much as Daniel does, though, I can see why my Mom saved it for her grandkids.  Daniel is currently facinated by the rainbow over the changing table. When I pick him up, we spend a few moments looking at it, talking about the colors. He has noticed Humpty Dumpty a couple of times and that's when I recited the christianized version of the nursery rhyme:
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
Don't be like Humpty who fell and cracked up
Let Jesus be your King, as you grow up.
    I have showed him the train, the duck, and the sailboat, but they are cool yet. He could pretty much care less about the Norman Rockwell sketches, but I like them a lot. I don't know how much you can see in the pictures, but they are of a boy and his dog in all the seasons.

The horse poster is one that I got back in elementary school. I put it behind the door, but still, I hope Daniel will take after his mom and have a love for horses.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Jacques the Pigmy Goat

As you know, Scott got his chickens. A couple of weeks went by and I still had not gotten a goat. I called around to people that sold goats and learned that either no one had one or they wouldn't be available until October.  I could put a $75 deposit down on a kid and get it once it was weaned, but that just seemed pretty expensive.  After listening to Scott tell horror stories about goats that he'd heard at work, I was pretty much convinced that our life would be better off without a goat.  I had not shared that with Scott, however and when he heard about a free Pygmy, he all but told the guy we would give it a home.

Scott was out doing boat inspections on a day that I was working when a Fish and Game officer went through the area.  They all got to talking and somehow it came about that he had a goat that needed a new home.  This particular goat had belonged to a neighbor and when the neighbor moved, they had left the goat. Their own personal goat had passed away over the winter and they were looking to down size.  Scott was not particularly happy that he'd found out about this goat because he just knew, once I'd learned about it, it would become a part of our expanding family.  Sure enough, I called the guy that night and the next day we went out and picked him up.

We found him tied up under a tree.  He would have nothing to do with us, but that didn't deter me.  The owners gave us the goat, his collar, a leash, and a partial bag of goat treats and helped Scott load him into the dog carrier.  We couldn't quite understand what his name was, so we decided Jacques sounded pretty close and was pretty cool given that he had a goatee.

He made all of these pathetic grunts and brays on the way home and kept falling over in the carrier.  When we made it home, we got him out and the barking began. Casey was not a fan. Neither was the goat. Casey was barking and snarling at the goat on one side of the fence and the goat was ramming Casey through the fence from the other side.
The next day Casey dug out from underneath the deck and came charging at the goat. Thankfully I was there with Daniel untangling him and was able to scream for Scott (who was in the backyard working on the chicken coup). Jacques was ramming Casey pretty hard but Casey wasn't letting up. Scott came running, Jacques broke free and started running. So there goes Jacques, being chased by Casey, being chased by Scott. Casey finally lost interest in the goat and took off down the hill and Jacques quickly followed Scott home. Unfortunately, Casey came back and went after the goat again. I got in between them and had some pretty interesting bruises for a while.

I went in to PetSmart to get a muzzle for the dog when I started talking to one of the dog trainers.  He guaranteed that he could make Casey and Jacques be friends or our money back.  We scheduled a time that we could both go, but alas, I'd forgotten that my shift had changed.  I had to go to work and Scott took Jacques in the trailer, Casey in the carrier in the car, and Daniel in his car seat to PetSmart. I guess everyone there was excited to see the goat that there was a welcoming committee outside the store.  After an hour they were starting to do better. Casey is slowly learning that we are the Alpha's and that she needs to accept Jacques as a member of our pack. Or something, but she doesn't bark constantly at him as we have him staked out around the yard eating down the weeds.

Jacques' coat was looking a little shabby so I decided to bath him.  We'd used the rest of our flea and tick shampoo on the dog, but we do have an overabundance of baby shampoo. I didn't see a problem with it. That way if I got any in his eyes, it wouldn't do any damage. The neighbors must have been thoroughly entertained watching me bathe the goat in the backyard.  I had him on his leash and he would run circles around me while I hosed him down. He didn't mind the shampoo - I think he actually liked getting rubbed all over. Then it was back to running in circles while I rinsed him off. He was so cute and curly when it was all over with!
Our male cat, TC, has taken quite a liking to the goat and drinks his water and hangs out in the shade near him. They make quite the pair.

So now I have my goat and Scott has his chickens. My goat has been much cheaper and has been useful since the weed eater decided to stop working. The chickens have grown feathers - that's about it. Lol! I love my goat!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Updating In Progress

Hello, all! I am going to try to update the blog for the past six weeks. I will be back dating so please scroll to the bottom to make sure you see everything.