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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Little Monkey

Daniel has been able to get into the tub for a while. Now he can get out. Guess I won't be moving that soft bath mat for a while! If something is missing (and it's not food) we check the tub because odds are that is where Daniel has stashed it. We will really be in trouble when he gets strong enough to turn the water on himself. He already tries, but we can get it cranked down enough that he can't. This baby LOVES water!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Baby chicks!

We got 4 new chicks today. 2 are white Brahmas and 2 are brown leghorns. They are only a few days old. Tomorrow the store gets more in and we will hopefully be getting 2 araconas and 2 turkeys (1 for thanksgiving and one for Christmas). I picked out these 4. I seem to be getting over my phobia of birds. It has taken a year, but I have greatly improved. These little ladies are sooooooo cute and soft!
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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Trip to Lowes

We went to Lowes and saw these super cool carts. As soon as Daniel got in he instantly grabbed for the steering wheel and "steered" the whole time in the store. Ashlynn thought I was super cool sitting next to her brother.
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